Emulation as a Service Infrastructure (EaaSI)
Project Interval
2017 to Current

The Emulation as a Service Infrastructure (EaaSI) project is a joint Alfred P. Sloan and Andrew R. Mellon funded effort to create a stable, distributed service for accessing legacy software through emulation. EaaSI is a cloud-based service that streams the output of containerized emulators to a web browser interface. Users can upload, download, and configure emulated environments and then share them with others in the network. This lowers the barrier of entry for emulator use by removing a significant amount of the technical setup usually required to get virtualized environments configured.

Dr. Kaltman managed Carnegie Mellon University's node in the network between 2017-2019. CSUCI's network node was configured in June 2022 to help with multiple SHFT projects. Currently, we are working on a study regarding the user constraints on emulation configuration and management with EaaSI and other local virtualization schemes. Summer undergraduate research fellow (SURF) students are configuring multiple test environments to access local CSUCI library data, as well as project files from the ETC analysis project. The hope is to publish a comparative study of the issues involved with configuring emulated environments for non-expert use.

Kaltman is in the process of configuring a local node for the University of Alberta, and has been working with students in his current Historical Recovery of Software and Games class on expanded applications for the EaaSI system.