GISST System Accepted for Publication and Presentation in Multiple Venues
03 Jul 2024 by eric

The GISST project has been accepted for presentation at the 2024 Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) annual conference, the 2024 International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) conference, the 2025 Special Interest Group for Computing, Information, and Society (SIGCIS) annual conference, and at the "Save the Games" Symposium at the Strong Museum of Play in Rochester, NY.

Each community is excited about GISST's potential for helping scholarly and public research into computer game and software history.

GISST System Accepted for Tutorial and Paper at Foundations of Digital Games 2024
06 Apr 2024 by eric

The GISST project has been accepted to the Foundations of Digital Games 2024 conference as both a tutorial session and late-breaking research paper. Drs. Kaltman and Osborn will be present at the conference to help lead scholars through a demonstration session with GISST. More information on the tutorial session can be found on the GISST website.

GISST System Presented at Born Digital Cultural Heritage 2023
30 Nov 2023 by eric

Dr. Kaltman, along with collaborator Dr. Joseph C. Osborn of Pomona College presented an update on the current state of the GISST project at Born Digital Cultural Heritage 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. The previous conference link has a recording of the presentation.